Monday, August 13, 2012

The Nucleus & All Things Pink

I truly cannot believe how quickly the summer has just breezed by. It seems like only yesterday I was taking finals and getting married. (Yeah, most stressful thing ever.) Now, my birthday is coming up, which is awesome but with my birthday comes the heartbreaking news that school is upon me once again. I'm trying to look on the brightside.. unfortunately none can be found! So I guess I'll just have to have the best, most eventful, unimaginable, time of my life adventures within the next 13 days to get me through the fall semester blues.

We've been doing a bit of home design here and there since we've moved into our place. I wouldn't say that we are completely finished but, in the past week we've improved things tremendously. Within the first month of our marriage, we bought some shelves to put up in our living room and this last Thursday, we finally took them out of the box and onto the walls! It was a big accomplishment for our little house. We promptly filled it with knick knacks to match our red, white and black decor. We also got a black ottoman and a decent looking laundry basket. No more ugly plastic hamper for us!!

But our decorating skills didn't just end at the living room. Oh no! We continued it into other parts of our house as well! In our bedroom there was a big open space on the wall and we were determined to fill it. So on Thursday night, we headed to the craft store and purchased a canvas and some acrylic paint and went to town! What we created.. I don't have words to describe.


I have no idea what it is that we made.

But it doesn't matter. We made it. It was fun and, if I do say so myself, it isn't bad for our very first attempt at something artistic. I call it:

"The Nucleus"

(But it has also been referred to as "the fish" or "the abstract cookie monster.")

Our Mission: Fill the void on our bedroom wall

Mission: Accomplished!

You could say that our interior decorating juices were catapulted by a bachelorette party I threw for one of my very best friends this past weekend. It was a lot of fun to plan and prepare for this event for Karissa Lees! I had some food catered since homemaking isn't super my thing quite yet. But it worked out great because I got caught up at work and got out late the day of her party and would have been absolutely freaking if it hadn't been for my caterer Cecilia. Bless her!

I had Cecilia make her infamous tomato basil soup. I quickly threw together the punch of spiked pink lemonade and some air popped pop corn lightly drizzled with butter and sea salt. I had also gotten some pink and white M&M's to match the theme I had set for the party. I think it turned out really well, and I'd like to think that everyone had a good time catching up, and torturing our dear friend with scandalous gifts!

                                                                   The table of Pink

                                                  Karissa's moo moo and her "lei of lays" lol!

We also played some games. One was a game I had played at a friend's bachelorette party called Pin the Smooch on the Stud. I drew a picture of kenny on a poster board and then made little smooches for all the girls. I'm sure you can figure out what happened next!

We also played a game to know how much she knew about her man. I asked her 26 ABC questions about Kenny. Everytime she guessed an answer incorrectly, she had to put a peice of gum in her mouth. Needless to say, by the end of the game she could have blown a pretty big bubble!

I'm so glad that everything went smoothly and that we had a good turn out. It was a lot of fun catching up with these girls who have become my friends throughout the time I have known Karissa.

I don't know whether to be embarrassed or proud of this last peice of news. You guys will have to tell me!

Since Brian and I moved into our home about 4 months ago, we started watching Lost, from the begginning. Both of us had watched it when it had first began but he stopped on his two year sebatacle to Washington state, and I had stopped watching it when I came out here for school. We knew that if we were going to watch it, we couldn't simply start where we left off because Lost is confusing enough as is.

Anyways, as for the news.

Yesterday, we finished the series. I don't quite know how I feel about the ending. I'm not sure if I like it or hate it. I'll have to marinate on it.

I hope life finds you happy and well. Until next time. :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Joie de vivre

Getting ready in the morning is by far the worst part of my day.

It's an incredibley long and tedious procedure and the final result always seems to depend on variables and is therefore unpredictable.

Which is why on days off, such as today, I am avoiding it as long as possible. Which leads to this blog post.

On Sunday, my in laws and myself said farewell to Brian's sister and her family. They haved moved to

Paris, France

for a course of 10 months. We will miss them dearly. I am scared that the little ones will hardly remember me when they get back, and that they will have grown out of their precious little baby faces...

However, I know without a doubt, that they are going to have a remarkable time filled with incredible experiences. Brian and I are toying around with the idea of going to visit them sometime next spring. I would absolutely love to go, as neither Brian or myself have ever been to Europe. But, I suppose only time will tell. You can bet your bottom dollar that I am crossing my fingers, toes, legs, eyes, arms and everything else "crossable" that everything works out so we can go!!!

I'm sure in an earlier post, I have mentioned that Brian and I are teaching in Sunday School with children ages 4-5. Last Sunday, we did a lesson on service. In order to demonstrate the principle, we told them the story of the Good Samaritan. Afterwards, we had them put on costumes and act out the story we had just told them. Brian was the unfortunate fellow who was robbed by the robber (Matt). Katie and Emily and Aaron were the people who walked by without helping, and Taka was the good samaritan who gave Brian water, band aids and "lollipop medicine." I took a picture of them dressed in their costumes, and just had to post it because it's too funny.

I'm really glad we have this calling. It's a blast and it makes church just fly by.


Yesterday, I got off work early and Brian and I were actually able to hang out at night. It has been a while since we have been able to do so with my late schedule. So, we drove up to Salt Lake and went to a few DownEast Home locations to find a small black end table or hutch for our living room. We weren't able to find what we were looking for, however Brian did make a friend.

The beautiful union between foul and man brings warmth and love to every inch of my heart and soul.

Jealousy begins to stir when Brian's heart is torn in two different directions...

nothing will ever tear them apart again.

Afterwards, we went to a delicious Greek place in Holladay called Yannis. If you are ever in the area I would highly recommend going there and getting a chicken gyro with white sauce. It will literally be the best decision you will ever make.

Oh! We also found an old man chair that we may just have to purchase when my parents and brother decide to visit us again. It literally has my dad's name written all over it. However, now that Brian has sat in it... Dad you better be ready to fight to the death!

Alright, I suppose I have procrastinated long enough..

Time to get back to cleaning our house and then getting ready for the day, which seems pointless now considering the day is more than halfway over. Oh well!

Au Revoir!