Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Madness of March

To me birthdays and holidays are a BIG deal!
I'm certain I get that from my mother.
I go all out. I get super into it. Some might say I do "too much."
Sue me, I don't care!
I enjoy making things birthdays (especially) a HUUUUUGE deal!
So when Brian turned a QUARTER OF A CENTURY this month...
I made it a big deal.
One of the reasons I made Brian's birthday a big deal was because I never know what to get him. I always ask him what he would like and he says:
"Goggles for skiing. But, don't get me those because ski season is almost over.."
"A backpack. But, don't get me one because I want a particular kind and you probably won't get the right one. I'll just get that myself."
"I don't know. Nothing really. If I really want something I'll just go buy it myself."
So, I'm left with trips.
Fortunately for me Brian LOVES trips.
I love trips.
I feel so much more at ease and stress free if I can take a weekend hiatus at least once a month.
If I am deprived of at least a weekend vacation once a month...
I will literally
I struggle.
Anyways. Brian kind of had a month long birthday. It started the first week of March.
Brian and I had been thinking about getting a kitten for about a month.
At first we wanted to get a Russian Blue because they remind us of Tatem.
Then, I read this paralyzing article someone posted on Facebook about animals that are taken the shelter. I balled my eyes out and told Brian we had to go to the shelter that day.
That's how we found
We love her.
Well, most of the time.
Sometimes she's a brat but I guess she is kind of like me in that way.
She loves attention. She loves sleeping. She loves eating.
Overall, she's a keeper.
She was Brian's birthday present # 1.
Brian's Birthday Present # 2.
Refer back to mention of a trip.
Brian loves to go out into nature. Anyone who knows me knows that I avoid nature and being outside like the plague.
However, it was not my birthday.
I booked us a trip to Zion's National Park.
Brian was so thrilled.
He loves that park.
 He has a lot of nostalgic memories of that place as his family has held family reunions there for quite some time.
He showed me around a lot of the sites he loves
We had a lot of fun jumping from bed to bed in our hotel room.
No we do not sleep Ricky and Lucy style...
The deals on always only offer deals on double beds
with one bed rooms being more expensive.
It's actually kind of nice because we had one bed to sleep in and the other to relax on after hikes when we were all sweaty and outdoorsy smelling.
A picture we took in a convenient spot on our morning hike along The Narrows.

I named this rock:
Snuffleupagus Rock.
You know, from Sesame Street?
I think it's quite fitting.

Eh? Eh? Eh?
The resemblence is uncanny.
Brian showing off the "awesomeness" of his beloved Chacos
They dried in like 30 seconds.

Me on our overlook hike. It was actually pretty scary.
Well probably not to most people but I am super afraid of heights.

Yeah.. pictures could fool you.
I look like quite the nature doer in these.

After our overlook hike, we went back into town and were upset to find that we would get stuck in their town's St. Patricks Parade
for no joke
2 hours!
I died.
We went to Switchback Bar & Grill.
Brian got the most amazingly delicious and messiest burger I have ever seen.
The Bleu Cheese Burger.
So good!
Later on we went to Weeping Rock. It was the quickest hike I have ever been on.
Brian at weeping rock.

The next day we went to the Emerald Pools. We were going to just go to the lower one, but then figured we should do all of them since we were already there.
You might as well, right??
Afterwards we got brunch at Cafe Solei.
So yummy!
Then, we made our sad journey home.
We had a super fun trip.
We took home a super sweet rock that we have displayed on our wall shelf.
The vacation was just what the doctor ordered!
Then it was time to celebrate Brian's birthday on his actual birthday!
I woke up early and made him a pancake breakfast.
I made the pancakes in the shape of Kyoto's bottom..
Hahahaha! Great right?
I got it from pinterest it was an original idea.
Brian and I both had school.
After school we went to Tucano's.
Brian wanted to have a regular
Ron Swanson Birthday Extravaganza!!
He ate sickening amounts of meat...
He loved it!
Brian making his birthday wish with help from Kyoto!
It really was a Ron Swanson birthday.

Brian wanted to relax and watch a movie after his "exhausting" birthday activities.
We watched Argo, which is super good.

Brian got some birthday smooches...

and bites!
"Aw! You're so cute I could just eat you up..."

For his family birthday dinner, I made him a cookies and cream mustache cake.
This is what Brian's mustache will look like in 25-30 years;
Salt and Peppery!

He loved his cake.
Almost as much as I love him.
Okay maybe he loved his cake more...
Just kidding!

Have a Happy Easter!!!!!