Sunday, November 17, 2013

Monster Mash

This about sums up October: The Death of Good Weather.
or... so we thought.
Utah Weather is weird, but awesome.
One day you wake up to find snow and frost on your car, the next day you don't even have to wear a light jacket. Just one of the things I might miss if we ever move from here.

We had plenty of fun experiencing our last holiday with Josh, Brian's brother-in-law for a while.
I don't know if I have mentioned this in a previous blog post, but Josh was called to serve a 2 year LDS mission in Melbourne, Australia. He left on November 6, 2013. So Halloween was kind of our last big
Here is Brian with our super lame cat pumpkin and even lamer cat.
Just Kidding, Kyoto is probably 10 times cooler than you!

Here is little Josh. I should've taken a picture of his final project.
It was a pretty cool silhouette of a kangaroo.
Do Australians say, "bloody brilliant"?
If so.. that's what his creation was.

Here is my other Brother-in-law Chase.
He also did a beautiful interpretation of a Pumpkin carved Pumpkin.
He is so special...
Joke, Chase. Chill.

For my birthday, Brian got me super sweet tickets to see Macklemore in concert.
My birthday was in August, so I have been ever so patiently waiting.
I had never been to a rap concert before.
I know, it's hard to believe since I grew up in New York. In Syracuse no less where rap music is basically a religion.
I was worried I wouldn't have the guts for it...
But it wasn't bad.
Everyone there was super chill and just super into the music.
It was, literally the LOUDEST and BEST concert I have ever been to.
I'm pretty sure my ears are still ringing.
But seriously, it was the best.
I'm so happy my sweet husband bought them for me.

I think this is a picture of Macklemore singing, "One Love."
He seriously had more costume changes in his concert than Katy Perry.
He wore a throwback Jazz uniform.
An Earl from England costume.
Leather jacket, of course.
Old school military outfit.
and like a ton more I can't even remember.
There may have been a cowboy and an Irish man costume.
Literally a blur.

Brian and I were able to make a trip along the Alpine Loop before it got too cold and snowy.
We were worried that we wouldn't make it since we waited so long.
It was very cold when we took these pictures- but no snow.

Suzy, my brother-in-law's girlfriend, gave us super sweet tickets to see the Jazz pre-game.
I was so excited we were able to go because I had never been and Brian hadn't been in a while.
I was even more excited when I got there and realized who they were playing.

Okay maybe they don't look like IDENTICAL TWINS...
But we could definitely pass of as having the same momma.

We were so busy this October we weren't able to do a ton of Halloween activities.
However, we did make it to some.
This Pumpkin was on display at Thanksgiving Point's Cornbelly's.
We went on a hayride, ate pumpkin spice donuts, did a mini maze, and sat by the fire.
It was a lot of fun.
Oh! and we had legit Kettle corn, my absolute fave.
Then, I think we came home and watched
Hocus Pocus.
I love that movie!

For dinner, Brian wanted to attempt to make a lasagna graveyard as his contribution to the Halloween Season.
What can I say?
I am thoroughly impressed!
I mean seriously, this takes some mean culinary skills and artistic talent.
I love his use of the cilantro to capture the "overrun- ness" of the graveyard. 

Brian and I
He was an outlaw.
(Anthony, we will never forgive you for stealing his costume!)
I was a scarecrow.
I even wore plaid, which may be the scariest part of our Halloween.
I literally hate plaid.
But you have to wear plaid when you are a scarecrow!

Aren't we just adorbs?

We hope that you all had a pleasant Halloween. Autumn weather is so fun.
I am always excited for Halloween because I really feel like it is the "kickoff" to the Holidays.
After Halloween, all the holidays just start to happen one right after the other.
I hope you are able to enjoy the beauty and excitement of each holiday individually.
You guys reading this are awesome.
*cough cough*
See you again around Thanksgiving you cray cray kids!
He says: "Don't eat me!"