Monday, January 6, 2014

And a partridge in a pear tree...

Not too many photos in this blog.
I feel like I have posted so many photos on FB the last few weeks that I am photoed out.
The idea of having to grab photos from FB and bringing them over here makes me feel exhausted.

However, everything and anything is making me feel exhausted these days.
I hear that 13 weeks is when it starts to dissipate, than I heard 16, than I heard after 5 months..
Who freaking knows?

All I know is that I am constantly pooped
and sick
and grumpy.

Poor Brian.

Anyways, to the fun stuff.

Christmas was very fun. We were able to do all of the traditions we enjoy. We watched home alone, we made cookies, we did our Christmas Eve box.

Brian got a great backpack and a much needed updated wardrobe.
He still needs to find new casual shoes, but he's almost there.

I got beautiful brown boots and Brian took a whack at getting me jewelry for the first time ever-
and he aced it!
Now we just need to go someplace really fancy so I can wear it!

We were able to celebrate the Christmas holiday with both families.
We went to my in-laws on Christmas Eve, it is my mother-in-law's birthday.
We went to my family and made the big announcement to them by putting my sonogram in an envelope and addressed it to Jordan who freaked and told everyone for us.

Than we went to my in laws and awaited patiently for Josh to Skype us.
We waited about 2 hours into the call and Brian took the sonogram over to the monitor and asked Josh what it was..
Everyone freaked and it was funny.

The day before Christmas, we met my OB for the first time.
He is a very kind man, and we both really like him a lot.
He met with us and discussed common concerns that new parents might have about the pregnancy.
He had us listen to the heartbeat and upon learning that we have a history of twins in our family, he did an ultrasound.

No twins.
But a very clear picture of our baby.
Twas a Christmas miracle.

We went to my aunt's to celebrate New Year's Eve.
It was the first time I have ever been.
They go all out. It was really fun.
I was able to be the water-tosser designee.
It was quite the honor.

Today was my last first day at UVU.
I am so excited but going to school has been rougher than I thought.
I was hoping by the time spring semester came along I would be feeling more energized.
However, I'm really dizzy and lightheaded still and it's hard to concentrate when I'm there.

I'm hoping things get better with time, or else this is going to be a VERY hard semester.
But... I have to do it!
Four classes won't stand in between me and graduation!

That would just be silly.

We have decided to keep the baby's gender a surprise.
But curiosity may sway our decision.

We do have names picked out but we're not telling those either.
