Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mommy myths I foolishly believed.

This month of being a mommy has been a trying experience to say the very least...

Here are some mommy myths that I foolishly believed:

1.Vaginal deliveries, being the most natural, will be easier.
They actually are, however, I had a 3rd degree tear (yeah that means I tore into the muscle) and that has been very debilitating. I can't sit or stand for a long time because the pain and itching is simply overwhelming. This might seem weird or even dramatic, but I feel like recovering from the 3rd degree tear has effected the bonding experience. Because it is so painful for me to move, especially from a laying position to a standing position, I was getting super upset with her when I would put her down and then lay down, only for her to cry 3 minutes later. I started to resent her, in a sense, because I was in so much pain. "Don't you know what you did to me? Be nice!!!"

2. Rest as much as you can at the hospital because you won't be able to rest as much at home.
Ok. I had to be in the hospital for like 3 days. Most unrestful 3 days of my entire life. They kept coming in every hour to do something. 

"We have to check your/Rylan's vitals." 
"I'm the lactation specialist, just checking in."
"Would you like to take advantage of this opportunity and be vaccinated yourself?"
"Sorry to bother you again, but I forgot to see if your husband wanted to be vaccinated too?"
"We need to take Rylan for this test, you have to come with us.. now!"
"Do you want us to take newborn pictures done?"

Oh my heck! Just leave me alone!!!! I ended up having Brian be a bouncer, literally telling people they were not allowed in, unless it was to check vitals because it had been 2 days and I had only slept 3.5 hours.

While my sleep is unpredictable and limited, being home, is much more relaxing than being at the forsaken place!

3. Newborns sleep 15-20 hours a day.
I guess this isn't really a myth. Rylan does sleep a lot, but she only sleeps 2 hours at a time. For some reason I thought she would sleep 4 times in like 5 hour increments. No such luck. She does sleep 6 hours through the night... if she feels like being nice.

4. Breastfeeding, being the most natural, is easy.
First off, no one told me that you develop flu-like symptoms when your milk comes in. I literally thought I was dying. My mom didn't know because she wasn't able to nurse us, so she thought I was dying too. Breastfeeding hurt like a mother, too! Um... bleeding? Chaffing? Kill me? 

Nobody tells me nothing!!! Probably because it might have changed my mind.

I do like breastfeeding now. The initial pain was just a hurdle that took about a week to overcome. Rylan can only sleep if I nurse, it's very comforting to her and we get a lot of snuggle time that way, so it's worth it. It helped my tummy contract and I'm only 7 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight.

5. When you have the baby, most of the weight will shed away.
Not true. Not true. Not true. It was 4 AM, in my hospital bathroom the first time I saw my stomach after having the baby. I literally had a melt down. Most likely the result of shock, exhaustion and utter disbelief... It has gone away but seriously, no one told me. I brought my pre-pregnancy jeans to leave the hospital. Yeah that wasn't happening. Thank goodness I had brought some stretchy leggings!

6. Labor/Delivery is the scariest part.
Ok, seriously? No! I have been more terrified and paranoid of my imminent demise in the past 3 weeks than I have been in my entire life. I have no idea what "normal" is or how this new "normal" is supposed to feel. Therefore any change from the norm, ultimately means death. Obviously.

Also... did you know redheads tend to bleed more during and after delivery as well as after surgical procedures?

Me either.

Lucky me.

I thought I was dying! Thanks for letting me know Doctors!!!

There are positive things I planned on writing about... however Rylan is freaking out so I gotta go.

Rain check.