Monday, February 25, 2013

"It's not Valentine's Day without Bacon."

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I want to be with you
Blood is Red
Bruises are Blue
Don't say, "No."
Before we get to Valentine's Day. I just want to say..
Hahahahaha! The Ravens beat San Fran! Wooooooooot! Just another peice of evidence to show that the East is way better than the West.
Ok. Now that that is out is of my system...
Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day is actually a very special day in particular to Brian and I. Not only is it a day to celebrate our relationship. But, it holds a lot of really great memories.
2 1/2 years ago. A very bold Brian, decided to text a girl he liked the day before Valentine's Day. He had just gotten back from his mission and wanted to make sure he spent that day of love with a girl and not a man.
The girl (me) got his message at approximately 11 AM. She decided to be a deuce and not text him back until 10 PM.
Luckily, he hadn't asked anyone else. So he was still available.
She wore a red, white and black outfit and bought red shoes to match for the occassion.
He bought her flowers and took her out for Sushi.
Brian and I had been going on dates for 5 or 6 months... But it was the day before Valentine's Day in 2011, that I knew Brian actually really liked me. After a well designed and thought out Power Point presentation, that I made with cue cards and pictures... Brian was a little afraid of commitment... 
Brian consented to dating me exclusively 6 days later.
His life was never the same. Poor Kid...
What did he ever do to deserve this?
This Valentines Day, our first being married to each other, was really great. I had school all day, while Brian's got cancelled. Brian and I made each other a wonderful breakfast: Orange Juice, Waffles, Parfaits, Eggs, Toast and Heart-Shaped Bacon.
As Ron Swanson would say, "It's not Valentine's Day without bacon."
What a wise man.
I went to school ALL DAY LONG! When I got home I was surprised by a HEART ATTACK!!!

I had never been Heart Attacked before so it was really fun and totally unexpected. Each heart had a little note or thing that he loves about me. Here are a few that made me laugh.

In case you can't read his handwriting, the above says:
Just so you know, I'm not cleaning this up!
Below, it says:
Don't take a picture of this and post in on Facebook!

For the record, I didn't post it one Facebook... but I did post it on this blog.
Don't tell him.

For Valentines Day, I got Brian some chocolates and some new shoes.
I also made him the greatest Valentine's Day card of all freaking time.

Do you feel like you suck?
You should.
Just try to compete with that.
Since we were so busy... waaaaa!
We celebrated Valentine's Day later on that week.
On Saturday, I used one of my date coupons from last Valentine's Day to go to Color Me Mine.
It was so much fun. I made little mustache cups.
Brian made a super manly mustache bowl that he has informed me I am not allowed to eat
out of. I would fight him on this, but he normally does the dishes...
so he is more entitled to claiming dishware than I am.
(Nope, your eyes do not deceive you. That my friend is a mustached-face emoticon.)
I'll even let you tell your friends that you came up with it on your own.
People will think, "Wow! They're so innovative."
But you & i... we'll know the truth.

Us with our masterpeices pre-glaze.

Us with our masterpeices post-glaze.

I love Valentine's Day.
(I hope you do too.)
I love my life.
(I hope you do too.)
I love my husband.
(You shouldn't cause that would be weird and I'll cut you.)

Have a Fabulous Day. Until next time, Loves!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

New Year. New York.

Sorry for the delay in our posts.
I know you have been dying of anticipation to know exactly what we have been up too...

In January we were fortunate enough to fly back East and spend a wonderful 12 days with my family and friends. When we landed in New York, the pilot got on the overhead and told us, "It is currently 9:06 AM. The weather in syracuse is cloudy with an 80% chance of precipitation. It is currenlly -10 degrees." My immediate thought was, "Why are we HERE?!?"

Our whole trip looked like this.
But it was great.
Our lives have been so absolutely chaotic lately.
We both go to school full time.
We both work full time.
I work weekends, he doesn't.
Any minute we have to spare is spent trying to catch up.
It is exhausting.

Case and Point = That type of vacation is exactly what we needed.

My mother, the sweetheart (or lazy bum) that she is kept her Christmas decorations up so that we could celebrate Christmas with them. I got so many great things. I will be baking and cooking until the end of time using all the nifty things they got me.

For instance, My parents got me a Wok. I made a delicious stir fry with it in celebration of Chinese New Year... and The Walking Dead. Absolutely not correlated, but day was officially complete!

We slept in. We went to the mall a lot. I only bought one pair of beautiful heels. I was so proud of myself for not going on a shopping spree. Brian's wallet was pretty happy about that too :) We went out to dinner a lot with my family. We went to Moe's. It is my mom and dad's favorite place. It's kind of like Cafe Rio, but they just serve burritos.

Us in front of Jeffrey's favorite Restuaraunt, Johnny's Rocket.... LOL!

My Parent's took our whole family to this super awesome place on the last day we were there. It was super delicious and absolutely beautiful on the inside. I really liked it and Brian said he definitely wants to go there again.

My mom and I also cooked a lot. Brian and I cooked Salmon and Steak for my family. We ate that on our family's mock Christmas Eve. My dad even tried the Salmon even though it is fish! Truly a (Delayed) Christmas Miracle.

Every night, Anthony would come home super late. Either from working or hanging out at Jordan's house. We would stay up with him and watch a movie or a show. It was so relaxing to unwind and know you didn't have to go anywhere the next morning. Also, Anthony likes some pretty lame movies, so it was fun to make fun of the movies he chose. They all rated less than 11% on Rotten Tomatoes... Haha!

While I was on my trip I was able to see two of my best friends.

Rachel has been going to Nursing school for the past year. When I told her I was coming and when, we learned that I would be there for her graduation. I was so ridiculously excited and thrilled for her and to be there. She has worked super hard and I'm so very excited for this new chapter in her life. She is seriously, the sweetest and most caring person I know, she is going to be a great nurse.

Oh! and I got to see my handsome boyfriend, Joey!!

I also got to spend time Kaitlyn. She is such a riot! She is going through a very exciting time in her life. I am very grateful that I was able to spend time with her and share some very special moments with her. On the last day I was there, we went to the Farmer's Market and she came with us. We probably spent $50 on their .50 cent treats. They were so freaking delish!

Going on this trip reminded me that I need to be better about staying in touch with people. I have been so blessed to have such great friends.

I also learned that I'm glad I don't live in Syracuse because I would go to the Geddes Bakery WAYYY too much and get fat!

Cannolis are my weakness.

I was also super happy to get a chance to spend time with my grandparents. They weren't feeling well at the beginning of my trip so I was worried we wouldn't get to see them. But, they pulled through and my grandma even helped me pack. I wish I would have gotten a picture with my Grandpa :(

The last day we were there I told Brian I wouldn't be joining him. I really love being with my friends and family. I really love being on vacation!

Why must vacations end?!

Probably because your mom starts to drive you crazy... Just Kidding!