Thursday, August 1, 2013

The 24th is grander than the 4th in Oo-Tah

Before I sat down to write this blog, I wasn't looking forward to it. I felt like we really didn't do anything at all exciting in the month of July. I was even a little envious looking at other people's photos and posts. Everyone seems to be going on vacations and I am just here like oh yeah.. still in Utah.
However, when I started looking through my phone I realized that we had done more
 this month than I had originally noticed!
It's funny how quickly I forget life is more exciting than I give it credit for.
Yeah, I'm not going on a lavish vacation this month.
But I did just go to New York for two weeks
and my birthday is coming up.
Exciting, right?!?
Therefore, my goal this month is to appreciate the little things in life.
They're exciting too!
Brian and I made fruit pies for people on the 4th of July.

Watching the fireworks at my aunt's house.
This is a good picture... however it would be better without those dreadful Chaco's.


It's so fun to have nieces and nephews at family functions again.
While they were in Paris, the holidays were so boring!

I got a haircut this month. I am kind of having regrets about it.
I think the bangs were kind of an impulsive decision.
Now I have to wait for them to grow out.
I'm not saying I don't like them because they look terrible or anything..
it's just harder to do your hair quickly when you have to make sure your bangs don't look funny.
Brian's parents were able to go to California so they were gone for the biggest holiday to hit Utah..
Pioneer Day!
If Mormons drank, this would be the day they would get crap-faced.
We just love celebrating the pioneers.
There were more fireworks than the 4th of July
I am usually gone in July so I don't think I realized how insane it is.

Kicking it on the 24th, Brigham's Brew style.

Was able to take a photo with this gem of a car that my brother-in- law got a year or so ago.
It's like a life-sized Lego car.
I don't work weekends anymore.
I am so grateful that Brian and I have more time to spend with one another.
It has been so much fun to finally hang out again!

We were able to celebrate a few birthdays this month with Brian's family.
It was his little brother's birthday on the 22nd. My mother-in-law made bomb Indian food and cake.
Jeffrey requested better than.. you know.. cake.
I made the name less awkward by deciding that we would call it
Better than sex with Willie Nelson Cake.
Way less awkward.
It was also Brian's little sister's birthday on the 24th.
We celebrated by eating Café Rio salad and drinking mock-tails
as it was her 21st birthday.
Some very very very exciting things will be happening this upcoming month!
I cannot wait to share them with you come September.
Much love,
Rachelle & Brian
(but mostly Rachelle. Let's not kid ourselves here.)