Monday, August 31, 2015

Catching up- August 2015

August 2015

Just your everyday selfie.

Hiking again!

We got Rylan a robe. She looks quite lavish in it!

Meeting up randomly with old friends is so much fun.

I had not seen this girl in forever. I love me some Leah! It was so fun to catch up with her and talk about our old jokes and come up with a few new ones!

We were so honored to celebrate Evie's birthday with her this year.

Rylan even got to try some of the cupcakes!

On our last day in NY we drove up to Niagara Falls. It was beautiful.

My Dad also took us to this delicious diner called Anton's.
OMG! The next time I go to NY I am definitely going back there!

Sad to leave. We had such a great time.

Rylan's hair was finally long enough to be put into a little bow.

For my birthday Brian got me a massage, a coloring appt, flowers, macarons, a pedicure and a gift card for new jeans. I'm a pretty lucky lady!

Eating Yummy ice cream with my mom and MIL.

Rylan had some too!

Closer look of my new hair!

After my mom left we took Rylan to color me mine. I had been wanting to make a plate with Rylan's foot on it for so long. I figured if I waited much longer, her foot might get too big for a salad plate.

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