Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Catching up: September

Ugh, I was doing so well when I caught up and then... I fell behind AGAIN!

Here are pictures of some things we did in September!

At the start of the month, we decided to go on a hike. We drove up little cottonwood canyon, not quite knowing where we would go. However, pretty much anywhere up there is a good idea.
We are really loving the way these pictures turned out. The colors are seriously gorgeous.

If you know Rylan, you know she LOVES pizza. She could seriously eat it all day long. One of our favorite places is Pizzeria Limone. It was recommended to us by a friend in the neighborhood and we are slowly but surely making our way down the menu. So far our favorites are Violetta and Caprese.

For my birthday, Brian made a reservation to have Afternoon Tea at the Grand America Hotel. It was delicious!

Every girl's first french fry should be properly commemorated in photograph form.

We were walking through (well I was walking, Rylan was riding) and we found this Elsa jammie shirt. Rylan started pointing at it and singing "Let it Go" so obviously we had to get it.

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